Haha, its pretty exp. well for me it is, not for airticket standards but yeah haha..
there... any questions?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Posted by
3:35 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Music Page
Well kinda thought maybe i need a music page right? if i wanna make an album for whatever my reason is.
so yeah here it is so far www.vikneshan.wordpress.com
Posted by
5:40 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Blueberry Nights
If you are looking for a love movie to go goo goo on, probably should try this. Just remembered how much i think Nora Jones is pretty besides the fact that i like her voice and music.
Oh yeah, the ads that pop up,just close it.. Doesnt mean the link is dead or anything
Blueberry pie anyone?
Posted by
5:29 PM
Labels: Movies Nora_Jones
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Laundry Blogging
It's been awhile since i blogged during or after doing my laundry. So here goes, i had two weeks worth of clothes and nothing decent to wear to work besides t-shirts that probably weren't to work-like.
My roommates and co-workers already did their laundry, so i had to go alone... and how did i do that with no car license? well the usual, illegal driving >_<" . I know i shouldn't take the risk, but yeah... i did what i thought i needed to do.
Anyways, i had to call Arvic to find out where the heck is the laundromat. Haha, if i dont drive i dont care about directions. So i get to the laundromat after like 15 mins? searching for it was most of it and i see this white lady with her kid who ran to the quarter machine just cause its a quarter machine...and quarters facinated him.. kids :P...
So i take my laundry out piece by piece, and guess what i found shamefully to my pleasure, BC's dildo/bottle opener ( it was shaped like the male genitalia) . LOL... i hid it haha.. :S haha...
I left it there 2 weeks ago in my laundry basket, and threw clothes on it every since hahah....
Anyways, i went to a place called huddle house... to get something to eat. LOL... it was some sorta diner. This one was really interesting, haha the lady serving the counter was talking about how her husband wants to see her daughter but he doesnt deserve it and how he didnt come back last christmas cause he was scared of her father. Her father was gonna blow that guy 's insides if he did.. (southerner's they will do it, more action less talk).
And this couple were having a fight i think, for something... i think she was pregnant or something.. and she just left crying after awhile and the guy was chasing after her... "he must have said something smart to piss her off " , the other waitress said. Hmm... o.O so i decided to sit longer to see more drama..
there was this bunch of ppl outside sitting around this old dude in the rocking chair... KKK!? i dunno but they were sure looking at me funny.. when i walked in and out.. all eyes on me? yeap...following me.. i just pretended not to notice. Oh yeah, the lady did come back after that.. the pregnant one laa! :) i guess they got it cleared i hope.
I decided to get my laundry out, 8 mins to go as i walked in the laundromat.. well they had those machines with those toy in eggs and tekken2.. haha i played..tekken 2 got whooped after a bit and i got an egg haha.. then i sang alone in that room outloud..been awhile since i did that..
i seriously feel like a caged bird here.. sometimes, i don't want to disturb my neighbors sigh..
and, i havent recorded much yet, still drafting origami girl.. somethings missing... sigh...way behind schedule. anyways, i m gonna take a shower and wear clean clothes ;) haha..
See you around. SIX FLAGS here i come!
Posted by
8:39 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Matlab Bot, made a bot today from matlab, for no real purpose, no guitar :( haha...
yeah nerd?!.. no... i don't do it often, just did cause i can.. lol
so yeah thought her how to greet people and respond to their response... lets not get into the technical details,poor edine i started yapping to her about it cause i was actually doing it when i was chatting with her...
erm, elwin,arwin and diapa worked mad overtime today.. i think they just got back, or maybe not even back yet its already like 11.30pm.
Anyways, i still have no idea how i m gonna get my music video done for that "i ll hold you close".
Posted by
8:29 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Little Under the Weather
Kinda bombed the performance on saturday, didn't perform for quite a bit so i had the jitters again. One thing about performing is theres always jitters only different types. We played 3 songs, i only posted on cause the other two weren't justified. The one i posted was just okay, but you can hear me being nervous. "malaysian" crowd... i guess thats why...
The PA guy didnt understand what i meant when i said turn my guitar off, i wanted to tune it for the second song (maxi's original) but he didnt turn it back on. I also forgot to bring my capo on stage, but i guess thats my fault. I should have just ran and got it anyways... then i just panicked after that when i was playing my solo and no sound was coming out...sigh... nvm
Wanna continue with my recordings but i had to leave my guitar back in Atlanta theres no place in the car, diapa and avadhi need a ride. anyways no biggie, will find something else to do. Just feeling a bit under the weather today, maybe i m just tired.
Hope you like the video... I ll be more serious the next time, will not let my nerves get the best of me. I need to get my performances reflective of the number of times i have done it.
:) Have a good week!
Posted by
9:00 PM