Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Naked In The Cold

I'm not sure how many people do this, but i feel asleep in between changing my clothes. So i slept half naked, which was probably not a good idea. I woke up feeling pretty cold and not wanting to get out of my blanket. This past few days the temperature has dropped below zero(celcius not Fahrenheit don't panic, americans! LOL). Had to even clean ice with barehands from the windscreen yesterday because we don't have scrappers.

I kinda like the cold weather but not when u have to wake up so early, and take a shower. It's only gonna get colder with rain too according to the forecast. haha...just whining, its the south it ain't supposed to get cold this fast, well maybe it is. ok it is...

Anyways, Homecoming is this weekend.Thinking of whether i wanna go back to Atlanta and watch the tickets after buying after 40 bucks ticket or just going to raleigh,NC for a party by doing so signing up for an 8 hour drive there and another 8 back.

Early Tuesday morning, Jamie's(my mentor) back from vacation. I hope i get something fun to do today. Aite, better get back to work.

Just got my cleats, will be playing rugby in the cold today. woot woot.

Peace out