Monday, January 12, 2009

Spring 2009

The semester is finally kicking in, i m guessing full swing is gonna be really hectic. Once i start working part time too. Wonder how am i gonna manage :S

Well i know how...i ll do great :P

Hehe... notice something today, i m becoming a bit stressed up lol, need to take it easy like i used to haha.

Anyways, here's a few pictures i took on Arvic's 21st birthday at Chapel Hill, NC

And here's what mugi, nic and bc shared with me the other day

Riddles :P Answers are in brown, highlight it
Kalau semua binatang di dunia ini jadi ikan, ikan jadi apa? ( would like to translate but it loses its meaning hehe, sorry)
Ikan jadi banyak...

Dalam satu bilik ada empat penjuru, di satu penjuru ada superman , penjuru kedua ada lelaki cina and penjuru ketiga ada lelaki melayu pandai. Selain itu, di tengah bilik ada bekas besar berisi emas. Siapa yang akan dapat bekas tu?
Lelaki cina la! Yang lain tak wujud...

Don't ask me lol.. >_<" i know...haha If you really want to know and you don't understand the language that i used give me a nudge :P Have a nice day peeps