3 days...
Still in lab...
Senior Design
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
4.30 am
Posted by
1:21 AM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Turning Points
I have decided that i m gonna be doing my masters, and i have decided that i need a stage name cause i have decided what i want from my music. Let's see what does the random name generator come up with... 1 2 3
I want something Irish, so this is what it gave me...but i can't use something i can't pronounce so next!
Cainneach Finley
Ailín Aodh
hmm... okay... this is it!
Cormac Donovan
Posted by
8:26 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
It's been awhile since i really sat down and typed my thoughts out on a blog or anywhere really. I found excuse in work and being tired from it to not write or there's this faint voice of my super ego telling me maybe i m just afraid of the fact that i couldn't really write to begin with. It s funny how i have been doubting myself lately. I must say i ve been lost in rut i made conveniently for myself. The thing about covering yourself with work is that you dont really get time to spend time with yourself really. I find myself lost not knowing myself lately. i dont take time to talk to myself as much, but really i can't blame myself or anyone. We are all servants of our circumstances.
The most important thing i have learned out of this i d like to start with, apologizing to this beautiful girl that i m in love with, for some of the things that i could have done better. Ask me what i ll tell you hun...
Apparently it feel like 2 C outside and i m watching zorro on TV while typing this. It was Deepavali not too long ago, i didnt do much, was supposed to play music for charity. This event called Trees Atlanta, an organization that plants trees around the city but they canceled live music for today because it got too cold and it was gonna rain. So i have Steph's PA system lying around in the living area doing nothing but its okay, i was too tired to play todays anyways, i had 3 hours of sleep the night before. Oh well, i have the coffeehouse that i m organizing for end of the semester to play at and the bonfire that devika's got me thinking about.
It's my third deepavali away from my family and i m beginning to miss being home, although i do want somethings slightly differently. One of the things that i have really begin to believe, are that people are defined by what they do, which makes me sad thinking about this. I don't feel like i want to be away from who i have been, to be who i want to become but it doesn't feel like there is much of a choice.It's only human to feel attached to familiarity. I m starting to feel sleepy and whatever i m trying to type out seems like its a blob of unorganized thoughts. i do have a point that i m trying to get out here... but i dont exactly know what thats why i just decided i m gonna blog. so forgive me for the ranting lol... how has your day been btw? please do tell me, leave me a message or something. i need to do some catching up with y'all anyways. :)
Reflections, always put me in an interestingly peculiar mood. Curious but not overly zealous? i m not even sure how to describe it but yeah. Oh a random thought i just found out my sister has an very cute blog that really reminds me of the funny side of her. Just incase, i m talking about Sha Le Nee!!!... erm here it is TADA(maybe not, i forgot where to get the link from ROFL) Ow...she even made me a birthday card and posted it on her blog :P. OMG,i forgot i m 22. for some reason i wanna be honest and say it doesnt really feel like its important but i do admit i like the fact that i get to spend my day talking to people that i know when they call me up or leave me a message. A good reason to keep in touch. Someone told me someone told that someone(like the language?;]) that a birthday is a day in the year about that particular person,hmm....
i don't feel like i can stop typing at the moment... i dont even know what i feel about this cause i didnt realize that i had so much in my mind to talk about. hmm... maybe i should have sat down and thought of nothing instead lol... now i wont be able to sleep...haha...hmm, i like writing stuff out. i should do this more often. haha... okay i guess thats enough sharing for today. Wonder what tomorrow will be like? I know BEAUTIFUL!!! I should go to bed now, i have to study for an exam on monday tomorrow. Oh well another busy week, but i will find time for myself. :P Don't wanna keep making the same mistakes now do we?
:) when you think life's hard ask yourselves, "Compared to what?"
Take care
PS- GaTech took out VaTech today...;) GO JACKETS!!!
Posted by
10:23 PM
Labels: Deepavali
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy Deepavali
Vivi: So what are you doing for deepavali, lighting candles in your garden?
Vik: Nope, more like lighting my hair on fire and standing in the garden. Too poor to
get a haircut or candles. (keep in mind i maybe exaggerating).
Money Isn't Everything
Happy Deepavali to Everyone. May you year be as bright as your heart
Posted by
10:15 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
22nd (Double Peace)
Hey there,
It's my 22nd birthday today, was born 6.48am, yes miss you were right LOL... i was a bit drowsy when you called me earlier so i was confused. :) so i m 22 years 6 hours and 50 mins young ;)
So what do i want for my birthday? i ve made my wish when i blew that candle jessey and the rest got for me on saturday before my birthday a bit early, my dad being superstitious asked me why they did that, hehe anyways...
I d like to thank everyone who wished me, and i would like to thank God for all the people that i love, everyone of them reason for my to live my life with them in my heart. I hope my heart is big enough for everyone :)
Talked to Uncle Tham who was complaining i last talked to him in May lol... i m sorry, i guess thats one of the things i need to work on my time management so i can do all the little stuff that are actually not really little stuff if you think about it, like catching up with a friend. Anyways he passed a song on to me, a medley of songs...sounds pretty good. Here it is... :
I m about to go to bed, its almost 2, and i think i should get some rest before going to school tomorrow. Any suggestions on what people should do on their birthday? :)
oh yeah, last but not the least, to the newest and forever young part of my life,
I love you darling... *hug*
One of the best written songs ever ;)
Posted by
10:37 PM
Labels: birthdays
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Laptop Back In Action
LOL :P finally fixed me lappie, well not finally...after 3 days. Finally got to it.
Oh...went for u2, burnt my blink 182 ticket.(its back to haunt me, i ll show u what i mean later, took some pictures of it). Rewatched Goal again, Mr.Santiago Munez.
:) Time for a shower or maybe just a nap.
Posted by
10:55 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Funny Random Videos
If you need to kill time ;) or take a break have fun with these, hehe...
Posted by
12:31 PM
Labels: Funny, random videos
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Artsong Lullaby
i make a wish so you wont be broken
in places that i'm...
Let me exchange all your worries
With a cookie jar of jelly beans
Carve a map at the back my head
So i don't get lost in it
Drop a sign in twos
So i don't forget
That you actually feel this too
Baby close your...eyes
Let your mind sleep tonight
Let your heart be complete
With all that love you keep inside
With love...
Memories that you grow fond of
Never stick to you
Songs aren't written for songbirds
this cage isn't home anymore, cause
Baby close your...eyes
Let your mind sleep tonight
Let your heart be completely safe
With all that love, i can to give to you
From the bottom of my heart
your sweetheart
Posted by
12:09 AM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Where the work never starts, and the fun never ends
Posted by
8:17 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Russian Doll Situation
Well was listening something from Flights of The Conchords called issue and there was this say of a russian doll situation. So yeah made me wonder about life, how it is absolutely an infinite Russian Doll loop... maybe its me just being a bit down about how much i have to do, maybe not... i think its the latter cause i m only slightly worried about work... gone were the days when i was afraid to fail, but its a bit more different now. I m not sure how to explain. LOL anyways what i was listening to was funny check it out if you want to, they are awesome... :
It doesn't take you long into life before you realize that you are going to have to access the situation you are in every now and then, more so then you'd like to. For me, this has changed the way i view my "life", it's now a day to day basis. When i was a kid, it was infinite, i couldn't see the end...there was no need for compartmentalization, then it moved on to events that i was required to do, exams and holidays, and in high school i had a very vague perception of what it really was, probably due to the fact that i didn't really understand why am i here... don't get me wrong i still don't and i don't even think the answer to that question is even static or even quasi-static. It probably changes like 10 times a day?... So why am i here? I don't know... i m not in a hurry to know... as long as i m still alive i will find out, if i m supposed to... but for now i have more than enough reason to do what i do everyday. For the people i love ... for the passion in the many things i enjoy doing, some of it you may think is silly but you are allowed to judge and i m allowed to ignore you, remember that.
So maybe life's a russian doll situation after all,all those questions, situations and problems that so repeat themselves in different magnitudes. All said and done, i guess you ought to be able to say i m satisfied with today; i eat like i m hungry, i cry like i m hurt, i smile like i mean it
But sometimes i just get too tired...
Posted by
11:30 AM
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
To Get List
Tattoos ( I know what to get now)...at least i think so,
an electric guitar, to keep lyra company
a job LOL or someone to sponsor my masters :)
Posted by
10:48 PM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nicely said old man Finn...
"That damned hero stuff is a bunch crap, I guess. Well, it is one thing that I think any man that is in that, you gotta be in that position.You gotta understand that there's all kinds of heroes, but they never get a chance to be in a hero's position." - John Finn
Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: Quotation
Monday, August 31, 2009
To - Do (s)
Grade ME3180 Homeworks
Robotics HW
Senior Design -Chassis Designing and class work
court dates/fine and med bills
Get new phones for everyone in the world, even my sister
Organize Gigs and Live session with WREK radio
Make a freaking CD
Read an average of 3 chapters for all my elective classes
Resume and interviews for jobs
Internship and Co-op program applications
Row a dragon boat for the next two weeks.
and etc etc
etc etc are the ones i choose to dump in the drain cause i have no time like the doctors appointment.
will i make it? just when i thought it couldnt get busier.... and i dont want to complain but i feel so stressed...my day has been a series of messed up stuff, i dont have a bike to ride anymore. ROFL , it only gets better
Posted by
10:55 PM
Monday, August 24, 2009
I ve almost completed my degree, i have 3 credits left after this semester. Still deciding whether i want to work before completing that or just graduate. If i work where i wanna work but i still need to find a job anyways. :)
Been a hard past few days for me, i wanna say sorry to the missus especially.
Anyways, things will get better. At least i want it to be LOL
Posted by
10:29 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fast Car+
You got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Anyplace is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
You got a fast car
And I got a plan to get us out of here
I been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
We won't have to drive too far
Just 'cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living
You see my old man's got a problem
He live with the bottle that's the way it is
He says his body's too old for working
I say his body's too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody's got to take care of him
So I quit school and that's what I did
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so we can fly away
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way
I remember we were driving driving in your car
The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
And we go cruising to entertain ourselves
You still ain't got a job
And I work in a market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You'll find work and I'll get promoted
We'll move out of the shelter
Buy a big house and live in the suburbs
You got a fast car
And I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do of your kids
I'd always hoped for better
Thought maybe together you and me would find it
I got no plans I ain't going nowhere
So take your fast car and keep on driving
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
Posted by
1:10 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Should i?
It has been a "Fall-Like" this past few days in Summer, lows of 15 Celcius,
Went for the AC Milan vs. Club America game yesterday, Club America won 2-1 it was a good game. Well my first actual professional soccer match live, so yeah it was really interesting. Atlanta was packed, the dome seats 75,000 people but it was only 3/4 full so that was about 55,000 people? But yeah there was traffic jam from exit 256 on I-75, moving like 1/2 mile in 7 mins? LOL...damn it that was a drag... decided to just park the car near diapa's brother's place, poinon and walk there... since downtown Atlanta was jammed bad too, cops everywhere flashing traffic lights. ETC, looked like the whole latino community from Marietta came down to watch the match.
I guess it was a big thing after all outside of Europe Club America is the largest(richest) football club, i use soccer and football interchangeably i dont care :P and AC Milan is the world's most popular club according to Diapa. Even the states where people dont play much soccer, it is a big thing... but yeah the players walked in lennox mall and no one knew who they were but a handful of people, haha..no one even know Ronaldinho. For those who did they got pictures and autographs easy.
So yeah after the match diapa's friend tipped him off about where the AC Milan team was staying, ST.Regis hotel down in Buckhead, we went there..and yeah..got to saw the whole team up close... like 5 feet away... :P didnt get any autographs because they just walked in, tired i guess. Except Pato he came up to us haha... signed some and took some pictures. :P well not of me i was just watching but yeah it was interesting. The larger than life players actually dont look too intimidating in person. Fun experience but yeah... there were somethings i wished went better that night. Anyways, you should try watching soccer matches live :) , maybe come for mine? :P ... dont expect anything professional tho.
So yeah, next event...Jason Mraz and Plain White Ts, have to drive 2 hours to Alpharetta and 2 hours back to Lafayette in the same day cause i dont want to miss work just like for this thing. LOL... the things some people do...
Now considering whether i should go for Green Day or not...
Posted by
8:20 AM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I need an alarm to keep me awake at work? LOL.. those online alarms, sh** i m sleepy,
i m in my "hello, how do you do?" mood now, as opposed to the "walking looking at the ground" morning i had.
How do you do? :)
Posted by
7:40 AM
Monday, July 13, 2009
I m tired
I really am... of a lot of things...
so i m just gonna let go, and be happy.. but i really am tired of the way somethings are going in my life.
I ll survive.
Posted by
6:33 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ahh...TGIF? I guess so, i m okay with any day of the week actually realized not so long ago, its how you use the day doing at least somethings you like and want to do. Being happy :)
I have a been a bit lazy at work today, Jamie's on vacation today haha...he did leave a bunch to do but you know me, i m actually procrastinating will try to get some done after this. Anyways, its probably gonna be a busy weekend for me, hanging out with some friends, doing some shopping, picking up stuff,band practice, maybe a live rehearsal in Smyrna? and moving in to the new apartments. Stephanie invited us, "Music Avenue" , to play at her coffeehouse acoustic live in a dog park in Atlanta,where they are gonna serve coffee (duh? :P) at 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. She made some pretty cool fliers too. Thanks Steph. Anyways, i don't think i have enough practice but erm... what the heck there always not gonna be enough. I wanna play ;) its been awhile. This is next weekend on the 18th of July
This is where it is at take a peek
If you need more information give me a call or something.
Dontcha just like weekends?
Posted by
12:41 PM
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
You just never know...
Dark, scary, mysteriously gloomy, sad, depressing?
I beg to differ, its what you make out of it, 7.15 p.m. MJ was announced dead on CNN, i was a bit shocked i m not gonna lie, and i felt a bit sad. I m not the hugest fan heck i dont even have his albums till yesterday when he died, i just decided to dl it since i was in the processing of massive bootlegging to begin with for my zune. Lets remember him for the smiles he put on some of our faces as a kid...or the squiggles you used to do that somewhat resembles the moon walk.
But yeah, death makes you think doesnt it? what could have, what would be, what if...why... how...
what if was you? the list goes on...
I d like to think death is life's friend, makes life more meaningful... a contrast, as most people only really understand somethign by difference. We learn most not by similarities but by difference and you see this in the best and the worst of people. I m sure you know what i mean, silly stuff like racism or being judgemental.
Let me save y'all the pointless arguement or debate whether michael jackson was actually worth remembering or not, you all know hes a good musician and thats what he should be judged for nothing else, unless of course you shared a bed with him like the so called kids did or had tea with him every thursdays as an early reminder of whats to come-the weekend!!! like friends do...
i bet you dont... so why worry,why judge? for those who do... sometimes it doesnt make any sense why people judge all this famous ppl just by whats out on the media. Whats real is what that matters; what you experience... Lets just give em ppl a break sometimes
Be whatever you want to be, with whom ever you choose to be, be happy, feel like you are doing the something you that represents you..
Don't just sit there ... Do something you... Draw, write a song, make someone laugh, smile, anything, make cookies. Do something for yourself do something for someone else; be it someone close or a stranger... i don't know the world but i know me, and i ll remember you as someone worth remembering, a happy thought...
Death does not pity anyone,
But life is what you are born with
It's a choice ... Don't waste it
Life is what you are...

Posted by
10:47 AM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Alarm Clock
Used matlab to make an alarm clock on saturday morning, how ironic cause a guy who cant sleep properly, who s already awake on a saturday morning,early morning! makes an alarm clock; the kind that asks u math questions and if you get it wrong it plays a song for 5 mins and wont shut up... and if you hit snooze well lets just say theres no snooze button,or you d wish there was none.
Posted by
6:45 AM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
You feel the safest to share my worries with and in that i ve finding myself lost only wanting you to have and share this mess in my head, and shut myself out from my other escapes; my songwriting, pieces of paper, this blog, my environment which have somewhat helped me help myself
...which made me realize i forgot what i already knew, i cant expect you to be there all the time, even when i need you the most, cause that maybe the time you need me the most to be at my best.
Yes, i m a mess at the moment, but its nothing i can't handle...i always will be able, i do wish i had you around but for now, my heart can wait for you to help pick it up but my mind won't, i ll fix this mess... the irony is its not a matter of a fixing, its a matter of deciding. I will start with admitting this is the hardest point of my life so far, where my cross-roads don't have any street signs, and i dont have a hand to hold as i try to get to the other side and it seems like the cars are trying to run me down and i m not crossing fast enough.
And i do admit, i like seeing things through your beautiful soul when you let me, let myself in.
Posted by
8:07 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Concerts / Events - Atlanta
2. Jason Mraz & Plain White Ts
3. Metallica
4. U2
5. Beyonce
6. Incubus
7. Greenday
8. Rascal Flatts
9. Blue October
10. Kings of Leon
11. Blink 182 with Fallout Boys
12. Keith Urban
13. Tom Jones
14. Eddie Vedder
15. Boys like Girls
16. John Legend
17. Sugar Ray
18. Paolo Nutini
19. Stevie Wonders
20. Asher Roth & Kid Cudi
21. Paul Van Dyke
Random Others
1. Dane Cook
2. AC Milan vs. Club America
3. WWE Summerslam Tour
4. Atlanta Braves
5. Robin Williams
6. ...
Posted by
6:40 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"If You Like" Reads
1. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/05/28/australia.winning.lottery/index.html
2. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6290978.ece
3. http://timesonline.typepad.com/times_tokyo_weblog/2009/03/the-luckiest-or.html
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wink_(game)
Posted by
8:12 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
"My" Work Cubicle
Works just got mad today, been running around so much only stopped to talked to ppl, and now i m taking a breather in between, some work on the computer and helping out the other co-ops to clean up after a teardown of some of the ranges. Teardowns are fun,haha taking things apart and throwing them away, haha.. i make it sound so pointless but theres more to it. Anyways, wont bore you more with the details, unless of course you d like to now more about how cooking appliances work. does anyone want to know? :( i find it hard trying to explain work to people, its funny haha... some of it are actually interesting but i m still figuring out how do i explain it to people who dont work here...someone help me? maybe ask a lil? ;P
haha, my cubicle has pretty much been a hang out spot, because of its atmosphere, wanna see what i mean?There's the photograph section of "my" cubicle of "my" 2 kids and wife...
Here's my library, with books like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, webster haha etc, books that probably are older than me... maybe :P.
Thats the art gallery, beautiful kids with beautiful drawings right? Make sure you enlarge it and take a look at the details, its worth the while ;).
Every morning, Chad(another co-op) comes up to my desk and tells me in a roller coaster of words ending with the word "awesome", as joke: how much he likes "my" family and cubicle. It sure feels like i m part of the family now.
:( This is Shannon McConnell's desk, btw... He's in the army, got called for duty in Iraq for a year, its been 3 months already and yeah... i feel somewhat sad for his kids. I wish him well and his family. I wish him a safe journey throughout Iraq and back.
I ve got MY cubicle back already michel left last week, and yeah... i dont think i ll have time to move in based on my workload. My heads buzzing from the lack of sleep but it goes away when i get up and about. On the same note, the plant has changed so much... after the economic crisis a lot less familiar faces and more compact ? i guess its how companies survive. Good to see it has become more efficient.
Sigh, i m feeling a tad bit attached to this cubicle already, feels like he's family or something i know its weird but look at the drawings.. so sweet haha... :P
Anyways, back to work... got to get done before i head home,am starting the first recording of my cd versions of my songs today. Hmm wonder how will that go . Have a nice one :)
Welcome to my cubicle :) Please make yourselves feel at home...
PS - I m head over heels over for you! ;)
PMS - Tough men wear pink LOL
Posted by
1:07 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Come On, Get Higher
I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in
If I could walk on water
If I could tell you what's next
I'd make you believe
I'd make you forget
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
I miss the sound of your voice
Loudest thing in my head
And I ache to remember
All the violent, sweet
Perfect words that you said
If I could walk on water
If I could tell you what's next
I'd make you believe
I'd make you forget
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
I feel of your heart
I taste the sparks on your tongue
I see angels and devils
And God, when you come on
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
Sing sha la la la
Sing sha la la la la
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me, drown me in love
It's all wrong, it's all wrong
It's all wrong, it's so right
So come on, get higher
So come on and get higher
'Cause everything works, love
Everything works when you're on
Posted by
7:40 AM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Been falling in and out of sleep from 8 to 9.30 ish.. LOL.. yeah i know bad..now i m finally get some work done... looking up dimensions of drawings... easier said then done when you have a gazillion dimensions on one page, need the dimensions to pick a more suitable part to solve some of the troubles they are having in the assembly lines. haha..tried to keep the details out of this, i guess in the company's interest.
Been listening to a lot of Ingrid's songs on imeem, auto-suggest, Her songs are dreamy.. so yeah i m not entirely to be blamed.
Posted by
7:39 AM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Can't Log On
Damn it, so i m at work and i can't log on anything, after i synchronized my passwords for the different databases they have. Can't do anything now, am supposed to be working on some tolerance loops..
Argh...lol..tried talking to the help desk to get it solved, this indian lady. funny how the IT stuff are outsourced to india, assuming it is. anyways..her name was Manmeet? i think... lol... got so weird, tried so many things and got bored. so tried to lighten up the mood,started joking a lil. She wasn't too clear that i was jokin... she went like "huh? sorry" o.O then i just shut up
haha... i guess you dont make friends with the people in help desk?
Anyways, now its been sent to the "level 2"s no idea whats that... but wth... i just wanna finish my work.
sigh... anyone here?
Posted by
6:26 AM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Diamonds on the Inside
Sometimes some people, make you feel they wear diamonds in the inside. You close your eyes and try to picture what they look like from the inside. You picture the prettiest things, as if you were high ... life's the only kinda drug i need...
To me "she wore diamonds on the inside" ;)
i m not sure who reads my blog anymore cause i haven't been blogging much anyways, but this song hit me today at work. ( i m still at work btw, taking a breather).
Posted by
11:20 AM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Drew a green blob on my left upper arm.
talk about green moods
Posted by
9:38 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I need someone to listen to me,,,
I know I told you I won’t
But i got lost in this race,
Mismatched my own pace,
Now I need you to pick me up,
And untie my shoelace
Cause the bottom never felt this low,
The world did not spin this slow,
I have never needed you more
I’m torn in between here and there
Too many to count or swear
Pieces of puzzle lay on my desk,
Tried to impress myself,
Putting them together,
Didn’t like what I saw,
So I took it out on the floor,
So did I walk out that double-door
On some of my own rhymes,
It’s not like I some kinda troubadour
Cause the bottom never felt this low
The world did not spin this slow
I don’t mean to trouble you
But I need you now
I need you now
Right now…
Posted by
7:41 AM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yeah more time wasting
for a=1:1000000
bubble={bub1 bub2 bub3 bub4 bub5 bub6 bub7 bub8 bub9 bub10};
DISCO=[ bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)};
bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)};
bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} bubble{ceil(rand(1)*9)} ];
Matlab code i wrote, guess what it does...
Posted by
11:37 AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Anything is better than doing what you have to do?
Here's what i did when i was studying for one of my finals thats coming up in about 12 hours...
I modeled the cooling for my A/C and cost for running it... cause its an old model kenmore, so i was lazy to look online for it... and i just had to procrastinate... now i ll shall kick myself in the butt back to work , sigh... feeling crappy a lil...anyways have fun...
Posted by
2:25 PM
Friday, April 24, 2009
Posted by
12:13 AM
Labels: Quotation
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I m inadequate
A dad holding his kid in the arm comes up to you and tells you his daughter likes music, you play for his kid...while you feel inadequate...
i have been thinking maybe i m just not good enough
to make a change
to make people happy
Posted by
8:42 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009
Live High
You know when you are living in a high when you have
1) skipped enough classes
2) slept for 14 hours, after barely having 4 for the entire semester
3) still feeling sleepy after that
4) get work done while being high
5) eat and drink whatever u want to
6) have had a bit of drama for the day
7) sang your heart out to perfect strangers
8)looked blur the whole day but your brain is actually in hyper mode
9) Not moved a single muscle for the most part
10) still have energy to take on the world for 3 days but u still wanna go to sleep anyways
life's silly, no point wasting it on dirty blood....or being taken for granted.
Peace out peeps...keep it clean and cool cause i said so, later.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Knee Exoskeleton
Just an idea, i had... and i think there are similar ones out being researched to help aid human movement: injury or just for physical enhancement, anyways i kinda sketched this... left out the springs and some other fasteners but this is what it might look like...
Posted by
2:35 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009
I m a what i am....
Get off work about 4 o'clock
and I'm late again
cause you'll be here by 6:30
and we'll go looking for a close parking spot again
Sitting in a room full of believers
now you tell me what's wrong and what's right
cause I look over at you baby,
you got your good intentions focused so tight
and now it hurts me so, to have to see you go
to watch these drugs pull you down
when there's nothing we can do and no one to get through
watch you fall in and out of this mess
(Remember all the things that you tried to forget)
What's wrong with a little bit of experimentation to
open the eyes of the new generation well...
build your world on a cocaine foundation and
watch it all blow away...
And now it hurts me so, to have to see you go
to watch these drugs pull you down
when there's nothing we can do and no one can get through
watch you fall deeper into this mess
(Remember all the things that you tried to forget)
Well I haven't see you in awhile
you know I, I miss our talks I miss your smile
cause the look of innocence is priceless
but right now you look so lifeless
And now it hurts me so, to have to see you go
to watch this song break you down
and when you feel you can't get through and there's no hope left in you
you know I'll be right here to help you find your way out...
(Remember all the things that you tried to forget)
And now it hurts me so to have to see you go, to watch these drugs pull you down....
Posted by
12:29 PM
The Real World...
Get four emails of this a month, and start to wonder...whats going on.
On Monday, March 30, at approximately 11:26 p.m., two Georgia Tech students were robbed at gunpoint in the alleyway between the J.S. Coon Building and the Space Science and Technology Building. No one was injured during the robbery.
According to the victims, the offender approached them from behind and produced a silver semi-automatic handgun, demanding their wallets and book bags. The victims complied. The offender was last seen on Research Drive, adjacent to the Library, heading north on foot. This case is under investigation by the Georgia Tech Police Department.
We are providing this information so that you will remain vigilant and take every precaution to prevent becoming a victim. For more information about crime prevention and awareness, visit the GTPD Web site, www.police.gatech.edu.
Posted by
9:50 AM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hermit Busker
I’m not your average songbird,
Steel appendages, wooden chest and paper heart,
Oh, you have got me mistaken for the mistakes
That you have made in your past,
You are jaded,
Strangely, it’s me wasting my life away
I’m not your baby, crazy lady
It’s getting hazy and I’m lazy
I’m not your baby, pretty lady,
I’m not…
I’m a hermit busker, singing my life away
Selling my soul for a burn
Girl you better stay away from me,
I’m a hermit busker, singing my life away
Take my only possession, this gold box
It’ll singing you every song I have ever sung
Every sin that you have pinned on me
You have had a good reason, but it’s was never me
Every hurt that I have felt,
You never help when I dealt
Strangely, I m still your jester
Even when my heart stops to beat
I’m not your baby, crazy lady
It’s getting hazy and I’m lazy
I’m not your baby, pretty lady,
I’m not…
I’m a hermit busker, singing my life away
Selling my soul for a burn
Girl you better stay away from me,
I’m a hermit busker, singing my life away
Take my only possession, this crown of yours
It’ll singing you every song I have ever sung
Why won’t you leave me alone,
Why do you come back for more
And tell me nothing…
I hate the smell of the hole for a heart
That I have,
Masking my deeds,
Turning it into someone else greed,
I’m sick of this…
I’m a hermit busker, singing my life away
Selling my soul for a burn
Girl you better stay away from me,
I’m a hermit busker, singing my life away
Posted by
1:29 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Will be bahamas , back in US on sunday 7.a.m. eastern time...
sorry if i forgot to tell anyone.
Have a nice day =)
One of my favorites from him...
Posted by
10:26 PM
T(D)- U- I
How about breaking rules?
well there DUI for driving, what do you call taking a test when you are UI - TUI?
Road test on 31st March 2009 , 5.00 pm Decatur? someone should bring a cake that would be my 11th time to a DDS.
Good news, i dont have 3 names i only have 2 names and i m not two years younger than what i m supposed to be in black and white.
Don't have to carry my passport around too...woot woot...
The ladies at the DDS did have a little competition two pronounce my names, one of them did pretty good. Hi5!
I m hungry gonna eat lunch now ttyl.
Posted by
11:25 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Lonely Day
It's cold and wet...
i feel like i m alone...
there... i said it.
The world bites back again... just before
take off..
but theres a light in me,
its you,
i miss you...
Posted by
5:59 AM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Lisa Hannigan
Here are some of her videos, more www.youtube.com/vikneshan
An Ocean and A Rock
Posted by
9:37 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Quotation of Today
"remember the sombre yesterdays, the happy todays and look forward to for the unwinding future" - Vikneshan
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Quotation
Monday, March 2, 2009
Been having trouble, getting pictures of the cross sections of blind vias lately, got used to the 50 microns, now i have 40 microns and even more constipating 20microns to cross section. Didn't have to handle anything this small with baik, didnt do much anyways.
A human ovum - 100-200 micron
A human sperm - 40 micron long
Hmm...wonder why i mentioned those two first but yeah lol, those are the first two that came up in my mind
average human hair - 100 micron
human skin thickness - 2000 - 3000 micron
Working on skills... will get this right! A bit dizzy from work now....
Posted by
3:31 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sleep All Day
He's building up a shine but he take it slow
And he knows it's time to make a change here and time to get away
And he knows it's time for all the wrong reasons and time to end the pain
But he sleep all, sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over
Why don't we sleep all, sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over
She said what would your mother think and how would your father react
Would he take it all back what they've done
No way they said take it, take it and he said make it with your own two hands
That was my old man and he said
If all is grounded you should go make a mountain out of it
Oh what a lovely day to have a slice of humble pie
Oh Recalling of the while we used to drive and drive here and there
Going nowhere but for us, nowhere but the two of us
And we knew it was time to take a chance here
And time to compromise our lives just a little while
And it was time for all the wrong and lonely, lonesome reasons
But time is often on my side but I give it to you tonight
And we sleep all, sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over
Why don't we, sleep all, sleep all day, we sleep all day, we sleep all day over and over and over and over again
And as time goes by we get a little bit tired waking and baked another Marlboro mile wide
It's sending the boys on the run in the time in the hot summer sun
To swim beneath or over outside till they're reading between the lines
But they read none of the part in the hallmark card where they read about the dreams
And reaching for the stars to hold on a little bit closer to
Who said it was time, time to take, take love
Time to take a chance here
Time to compromise to occupy the lies
And it was time for all the wrong reasons
but time is often on my side but I give it to you, oh boy
Sleep all, we sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over
so why don't we, sleep all, we sleep all day, sleep all, we sleep all day over and over
She said what did you think your mother would do this and how would your father react oh lord
Would he take it all back what they've done
No way they said take it, take it and don't break it with your own two hands
See that was my old man and he said
If all is grounded you should go make a mountain out of it
Posted by
5:07 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Life is an Ice-Cream Shop
Falling sick, probably not because of mugi... there are bunch of other ppl that are sick but yeah, i m not gonna get sick... *pulls out weapon*...
I have my ic engines exams tomorrow, i had manufacturing on tuesday... hw due slightly more than every other day... working every other day... i have got to get thru this week and next. i ll be back on pace with the semester...
today, is somewhat an overkill..emotionally... and mentally, my body is still pretty fresh besides the fact that it is sick. and for some reason i m still going... i dont feel like stopping, just feel like..
killing the obstacles!...
Life is like ice cream
cold at the first touch
sweet to taste
you start by licking the top off...(most ppl)
There's the cone, some wehre in the middle..where everything changes.
Then...you make you way down to the the finish line...
If you take too long or don't eat it gracefully, you gonna
have cream dripping on you...
There you are back at square one...
Maybe i m going nuts...
Posted by
6:14 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Chinese New Year Steamboat Dinner
Uploaded the videos :)
The backgrounds a bit too loud, thats what you get for not having a mic lol.. ;)
Posted by
9:14 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Busty Busy
Went for the killers last friday, then had a gig...still uploading the videos for the killers and editing the video from the cny gig.
This week was busy too, but i managed to cut down my time by a few hours for most of my due dates so thats good. :) some even a few days. :) fixing..my schedule as we speak.
anyways, its been awhile since i really posted anything worth reading :P haha... but yeah not today too, just got back dinner..sleepy wanna eat some more shower and do stuff but here are some of the videos. If you want more theres always more www.youtube.com/vikneshan
the killers video has bad visual for the most part but decent audio. didnt get very close seats but they were okay ones. :)
On a brighter note the gig videos are clear, but we didnt have any mic or anything no budget apparently lol. Anyways gonna start calling up music venues and look for slots to play at.
The Killers - Human
The Killers - When You were Young (on the contrary to what i thought, it was , "we"? LOL...
The Killers - Mr.Brightside
Have fun peeps :)
Posted by
7:48 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
well procrastination plus an astounding load of work = hardcore
i have about 4 hw's, 1 lab report and 1 exam to get done by wednesday.
So yeah... haha..lets see what i m gonna do, its 3.53 am and i just got back from the library.
was cycling i m 2/3 s through with my lab report. Thats about 25 % overall... lol... omg...
Let's play with limits... only to understand them better of course.
No one to blame or thank but myself...
Here goes
Time to roll, well in bed for now lol =P
Posted by
12:51 AM
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's been a month since i played soccer, it feels good to run around. Normally play 3 hours non-stop but had to cut it short to 1 1/2 hours today haha...
its fun got kicked everywhere.. ahaha.. played pretty aggressively got bruises and a cramp lol.. i dig it :P
Going to have dinner now... i feel alive after running a bit, alive and tired. lol
Wishing you all well.
Happy Chinese New Year :)
Posted by
5:48 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Blood Group B+
Rhesus Anti-D
I took out my blood card today...
Maybe i want to be an O
Nic told me a riddle a friend told him..
two strings burning at different burning rates
both aren't identical in length or burning rates.
the overall time to burn each string is 60 mins.
how do you use the string to gauge 45 mins.
I got it right, this is what techies do on their free time?
i dunno
Posted by
10:21 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
It's funny how i bump into songs that tell me how i feel, sometimes its strange how exact they are... i was looking into older videos i had on youtube and i bump into this. I was at her concert last summer, with a bunch of people. :)
Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?
Just a cage of rib bones and some other various parts.
So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess,
And to stop the muscle that makes us confess.
And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.
And You fasten my seatbelt because it is the law.
In your two ton death trap I finally saw.
A piece of love in your face that bathed me in regret.
Then you drove me to places I'll never forget.
And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.
And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls-
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls-
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.
Yes miss, you...dance with me
Posted by
11:30 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Far Away
Woke up today and was pretty shocked... the weather is weird...
14 F? -10 C in Atlanta? i mean its not the worse that has happened but yeah... (the worse i recall seeing in a chart was -20c)... my usual 3/10 heat setting wasn't good enough thats why i woke up...
Anyways to go out soon for class... i m feeling a bit weird maybe i m getting sick.. i dunno what the heck... i need to learn how to take care of my eating habits ( start cooking). How come sometimes when the solution to our problems are right in front of us, we don't wanna do it. Complacency;
weakness and strength.
Posted by
8:29 AM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Spring 2009
The semester is finally kicking in, i m guessing full swing is gonna be really hectic. Once i start working part time too. Wonder how am i gonna manage :S
Well i know how...i ll do great :P
Hehe... notice something today, i m becoming a bit stressed up lol, need to take it easy like i used to haha.
Anyways, here's a few pictures i took on Arvic's 21st birthday at Chapel Hill, NC
And here's what mugi, nic and bc shared with me the other day
Riddles :P Answers are in brown, highlight it
Kalau semua binatang di dunia ini jadi ikan, ikan jadi apa? ( would like to translate but it loses its meaning hehe, sorry)
Ikan jadi banyak...
Dalam satu bilik ada empat penjuru, di satu penjuru ada superman , penjuru kedua ada lelaki cina and penjuru ketiga ada lelaki melayu pandai. Selain itu, di tengah bilik ada bekas besar berisi emas. Siapa yang akan dapat bekas tu?
Lelaki cina la! Yang lain tak wujud...
Don't ask me lol.. >_<" i know...haha If you really want to know and you don't understand the language that i used give me a nudge :P Have a nice day peeps
Posted by
7:57 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
First Day of Classes
From deciding what books and what classes should i do to where i should work and what my goals are... i m missin home...
Wishing Everyone Well,
Posted by
4:16 AM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I m writing a song, and my phone rings.
"Hi, i have your luggage and i m front of your door", I go, " Alright, i ll come out right now".
woot, woot! Got my baggage back. They lost it and i waited for it one hour yesterday after arriving on time before deciding to do a missing baggage claim.
Anyways, need to do some unpacking and arranging. Also moving furniture bought over Edgar's furniture.
Anyways, its prefect timing that i got my baggage now. I have my toiletries when i wanna bathe.
Will be going for a movie later tonight =P benjamin barton/burton? and the Valkyrie.
Wanna come ? Give me a call
Posted by
7:21 AM